Ronstan bir Avusturalya firmasıdır. Baştan sona dızaynları ile üretim ve dağıtımları ile kendi ülkesinin rakipsiz ismidir. Şirket merkezi Melbourne olup Avusturalya ve Dünya talepleri diğer kendi ülkelerindeki Sydney-Brisbane ve Perth ofisleriyle desteklenir. Uluslararası piyasalarda RONSTAN ilk üç üretici arasında yer almaktadır. Başlıca Amerika, İngiltere, Yeni Zelanda ve Danimarka’da ihracat merkezlerini ve depolarını kurarak toplam 45 ülkede başarılı olarak çalışmaktadırlar.UTL SKİPER Ronstan firması ve ürünlerini Türkiye’de “büyük tekne projelerinde” temsil etmektedir. Ronstan yelkenli tekne donanım malzemelerinin yanısıra başta liftin ve diğer bağlantı aksesuarları olmak üzere direk donanım malzemeleri ürünleri üretimi ile de ön plandadır.
Sensmarine'nin basit bir araç takip sisteminin çok ötesinde yaşayan bir güvenlik, sosyal paylaşım ve yardımlaşma platformu olacağının bilinciyle, Sensmarine networkune dahil olarak tüm denizci dostlarınızla ayını çatıda yer almanızı gönülden dileriz.
Pruvanız Neta, Rüzgarınız Kolayına Olsun.
SOLARIS SADECE YELKENCİLER İÇİN ÜRETİLİR. 35 yılı aşkındır SOLARIS aynı tutku ile yelkenli yatlar üretmektedir. SOLARIS Yatlarında teknenin çekici hatları, performansı, kalitesi ve en önemlisi güvenlik, her koşulda denize elverişliliği öne çıkar. Üretilen her SOLARIS sahiplerine uzun yıllar denizin keyfini çıkartmak için tasarlanmış ve el emeği ile inşa edilmiştir. SOLARIS yatlarında kalite, yapısal bütünlük ve emniyet tartışılmaz olan estetiğin ötesine geçer. Bu yüzden 35 yılı aşkındır üretilmiş her SOLARIS değerini muhafaza etmektedir.
Founded in 1990 in the province of Milan, SACS is a leading company at an international level in the production and marketing of rigid inflatable boats for pleasure cruising. SACS’ products have always stood out for their high quality and for the considerable on-going investments made in research and development processes. Add a design with a strong personality and the obsessive care taken over even the smallest detail and the company’s success formula becomes crystal clear.
1995 yılında ilki İngiliz SCORPION RIB tarafından imal edilen, günümüzde belki de denizde en süratli ve denizciliği en yüksek olan fiber kabuklara sahip, görselliği yüksek, malzeme ve işçiliği en üst sınıf olan ve tamamen bilindik fiber günübirlik sport tip motoryatların yerini alacak teknelerdir. Ve 2012 yılı itibarı ile ülkemizde satışına başlanmıştır
Sea Cube Srl is an Italian shipyard, founded in 2004 operating in the field of recreational boating in high performance engine. The head office and design center, and projects are located in Milan, while production facilities are located in Chiuduno (BG). The devotion to Quality and the continued development of technology and style are the hallmarks of this small industrial company, which won the prize MYDA (Millennium Yacht Design Award) in 2007 thanks to the innovative project of Sea Cube 43.
Every Sea Ray boat is a reflection of our commitment to precision, innovation and meticulous craftsmanship. Spacious cockpits flow into thoughtfully devised cabins. Our designs, details and materials are tested and approved by the most dedicated group of professionals in the marine industry. The result is a line of boats, from 17 to 61 feet, that continues to set higher standards when it comes to aesthetics, engineering and technology. That's what you can expect from Sea Ray.
Solemar Nautica tekneleri, New Generation Luxury R.I.B. Motoryacht segmentinin dünyaca ünlü, öncü markasıdır. Luxury R.I.B. Yachts tarzı, tüm dünyada son yıllarda hızla yükselen bir trende sahiptir. Sürat olarak yada daha albenisi yüksek, makyajlı bir çok bilindik fiber motoryat ve RIB modeli varken, kabin versiyonlu hemen hiç bir RIB markası, istenen konfor özelliklerini Solemar'da olduğu gibi bir arada sunamamaktadır
Süper parlak led’ler ile üretilen deniz içi aydınlatma lambaları 650 ile 3900 lümen arası güçlerde ışık vermektedir. Çok düşük elektrik sarfiyatı ile çok kuvvetli ışık veren lambalar beyaz, kırmızı, mavi ve RGB değişken renk seçenekleri ile üretilmektedir. Teknenin gövdesi delinmeden monte edilebilen bu lambalar çok uzun ömürlüdür.
Şarj redresörleri, invertörler, hızlı akü şarj modülleri... Sterling ürünleri ile akülerinizi en sağlıklı şekilde şarj edebilir, en hassas elektronik cihazlarınızı güvenle teknenizde kullanabilir ve alternatörünüzün gücünü 5 katına çıkarabilirsiniz.
Hartsville, South Carolina is home to Stingray Boats -- a company that in just a few short years has emerged as one of the leading independent boat builders in the nation. With over 225,000 square feet of manufacturing space, Stingray boasts of one of the most technologically advanced facilities in the country. Our state of the art robotic driven production is responsible for some of the most award winning designs available on the market today; not to mention quality that is literally "engineered in."
Founded in 1950, OCQUETEAU is renowned on the European market of motor boats. In the past, brands like ALIENOR, BOUM, and ESPACE have helped the success of the Company to date. Today, in order to meet the needs of its clients, OCQUETEAU offers a large range of boats from 5 to 10 meters. 100% of the production is manufactured in its factory on the OLERON isle, next to LA ROCHELLE in France. Half of manufactured units are exported throughout Europe.
Technohull is a strong presence in the area of powerboats and especially in the field of rib's. Empowered by staff of great experience, aims in the creation of top quality products, which meet the highest standards of the global rib market. Great attention is given to the construction of the boat which is accomplished by using advanced hyper-technological materials. The basis of the company's powerboats is the innovative hull design, which is achieved with the help of 3D CAD design and has been assigned to the British designer Adam Younger, known for his famous British cruisers and racing boats. Hull design is based on the latest ventilated step technology, which results in, smooth riding, high speeds and low fuel consumption. Technohull boats offer the absolute cruising experience along with the highest construction quality
TES-YACHT firm has been on the market for 30years! At first single projects and surprisingly good sailing traits of prototypes, gave way to the establishment of the firm. Since 1980 Tomasz SIWIK, designer and owner, offers sail boats to satisfy the needs of the most demanding cruising sailors. As a result of his passion, the owners of TES yachts appreciate their functionality, ergonomics and seaworthiness coupled with the distinct beauty noticeable from the distance. The exceptional handling on the water, speed, surprisingly spacious cabin, put TES boats in the category of fast cruisers. All boats are trailerable with the swing centerboard, where the keel versions for all models except the smallest, Master 550, are available.
Toy Marine was established at the end of 2002 by Alessandro Novella and Aldo Tomasina. Their idea was to create elegant marine motor boats, classic but not dated, with every element carefully thought out to balance tradition and design.
Toy Marine was established at the end of 2002 by Alessandro Novella and Aldo Tomasina. Their idea was to create elegant marine motor boats, classic but not dated, with every element carefully thought out to balance tradition and design.
It is said in Turkey that humble beginnings launch the purest of intentions. In the case of Vicem, it all started in a tiny Black Sea town of the same name. In the 1980’s a Turkish businessman from Vicem– Sebahattin Hafizoglu - developed a passionate regard for the storied schooners of the Bosporus (known as the Turkish Gulet).
Krom Çapa denildiğinde herkesin tartışmasız tercihi ULTRA çapalar, fırdöndüler ve Koltuk halatı tamburları.
If you think your boat deserves more time and attention than any other while it is being built, then you have just found the boatyard of your dreams. Each boat is painstakingly hand built from the finest timbers, picked individually for each boat by our group of experts, with meticulous attention to even the tiniest detail and performance figures to match your wildest fantasies. You only have to sit at the helm once to fall in love and start a life long relationship with one of your boats. With a wide range of different size, coming with various engine packages Yuka offers you more than you can dream of.
Günümüzün en başarılı ve kalite odaklı yat üretim tesislerinden birisi olan X-Yachts 1979'da Danimarka'da üç kurucu ortak tarafından kuruldu. X-Yachts 1980'lerde dünya klasmanında yarışmak üzere IOR yatları tasarlayıp üretiyordu. Bu pazardaki başarı, o sıralarda hızlı, yüksek kaliteli ve konforlu yat arayışındaki gezi segmentinin de ilgisini çekti. Bunun üzerine hızlı yarış yatları yaparak edinilen üretim tecrübesi yüksek performanslı gezi tekneleri üretmek için kullanılmaya da başlandı. X-Yachts'ın performanslı gezi teknesi serisi 1990'lar boyunca ortaya çıktı. Yeni serinin ilki X-412 idi; bunu X-512, X-382, IMX 38, X-442, X-362, X-332, X-302, X-612, X-482 ve sonunda, 1999'da, X-562 izledi. Yeni binyılı neredeyse yenilmez bir IMS ve IRC yarışçısı olan IMX 40'ın tanıtımıyla karşılandı. 2002 başında IMX 45 küçük kardeşini izleyerek yarış parkurlarındaki başarı geleneğini dünya ölçeğinde sürdürdü. 2001'de inşa edilen ilk X-Yacht 73, şantiyenin tarihinde bir diğer dönüm noktası oldu. Bu yat, X-Yachts’ın "açık deniz gezi teknesi pazarı"na girişini müjdeliyordu.
Wahoo Rib pazarının lider üreticilerindendir. 7.4 metre iten takma dizel'den, 10 metrelik 95 Knot hız yapan modele kadar 5 değişik tipi vardır.
Whyko is a byword for yachting brokerage in the top yacht industry. Specialised in the sale and management of the most important motor yachts and top yachts of the leading Shipyards, Whyko guarantees the best choice and expertise to its clients, thanks to the Teams of its three offices in La Spezia, Miami and Istanbul
VanDutch is short for Vanguard design and the renowned Dutch craftsmanship of yacht construction. In other words, a symbiosis of modern design and advanced technology in the most avant grade fashion. Frank Mulder needs no introduction, having been awarded several times for his accomplishments in design. His high standards have merited his winning the prestigious International Super Yachts Society, amongst many other awards. The Vandutch 40 distinguishes itself by its genius underwater design in effect making spray and slamming a thing of the past. The lee of the windscreen enables you to enjoy the spacious lounge area and sun bed in great comfort, leaving you to focus on the excellent sailing performance.
Meet the latest innovation in sport cruising yacht design. The Zeelander Z44 is made for the discerning yachtsman who wants his experience on the water to excel each and every time he gets behind the helm. The Z44 offers a classic look with a modern twist. A rounded transom, tasteful appointments and a ride second to none, this yacht turns heads at every dock. The Z44 proves to be more than great looking and functional, it is a superior addition to the yachting world. The ease of operation, creature comforts and the overall layout of the yacht prove to be irresistible, using her often for secluded romantic getaways, private dinners and enjoyable family excursions